Requirements of the English Exam for Doctoral Students

It is required for doctoral students to pass the English exam during the course of their studies, and are free to complete the exam any time during the duration of their studies.

The exam consists of the following components:

  1. A structured CV in English (to be sent to the examiner prior to the exam).
  2. A presentation (PowerPoint, or a poster, etc.) that introduces your doctoral research project and leads to a discussion of related issues. The doctoral student will speak of their work experience, contacts, and experience with the English language.
  3. A reading comprehension test of a short text in English on a popularized medical topic (roughly a 1½ A4 long), involving reading, comprehension, the summation of the most important information, specifics of the assigned reading, and a review of vocabulary- explanations of selected words, identification of synonyms, etc.

A B2 level of English, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, is expected of the student in order to pass this exam.

Students may submit a certificate of completion of a language examination at this level. The Department of Languages would thus recognize this certificate, and the student would not be required to complete the oral exam.

The conditions for certificate recognition.

Preparation for the exam:

  1. Doctoral students may prepare for the exam individually or with another language-oriented educational institution.
  2. Doctoral students may request a consultation at The Department of Languages, if they feel it is necessary.

Registering for the exam:

Students must register for the exam by phone or e-mail with the secretary of the Department of Languages and reserve a specific exam date. It is also necessary to send a completed application and CV. The student will complete the examination accompanied by his or her supervisor, who is also a member of the examination board. On the exam day, the student will bring their presentation (in electronic form or poster) and their index. The supervisor may arrive up to 15 minutes after the scheduled start time for the oral exam.

The online registration form is here.

Next exam dates for doctoral students will be available at the end of November 2021.

Last update: / Mgr. Eliška Králová